MTVU Green

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Text on Button MTVU TM
Image Description

White background with green and black text, and a large green, white, and black 3 dimensional "U" with green designs around the "U".

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Additional Information

In 2004, MTV launched a collegiate version of the popular music channel and called it mtvU. The music and programming catered to the tastes of the college-aged demographic and was distributed through Viacom to 750 colleges and universities throughout the U.S. While it continued to show music videos, the channel also provided programming related to college life, and even had its own award ceremony, the mtvU Woodie Awards. Enjoy an aughts musical flashback with this clip of the 2008 Woodie Award ceremony.


mtvU | Student Government Links | ASGA. (2004, December 13).

MTVU. (2024, February 20). Wikipedia.

Catalog ID MU0585